AI powered Excel formula generator at your fingertips.

There is no need for the ever so time-consuming efforts writing and interpreting complex formulas, functions and macros manually.

AI powered Excel Formula Genie is here to provide you with fast, accurate, and efficient solutions to increase your productivity working with spreadsheets – Excel, Google Sheets and Smart Sheets alike.

A screenshot from the app to illustrate he capability of the Excel Formula Genie application
A screenshot from the app to illustrate he capability of the Excel Formula Genie application

natural language to Excel formula

Describe the problem you would like the formula, function or macro to solve using plain English. Excel Formula Genie will instantly bring you the results ‘copy-paste’ ready for your use.


Excel formula to natural language

Enter the formula, function or macro your are trying to understand, and have it explained in plain English in matter of seconds .

A screenshot from the app to illustrate he capability of the Excel Formula Genie application

Levels of complexity

Excel Formula Genie can help you with all levels of formula complexity and difficulty, whether you are looking for a validation of an easy formula or building a very intricate logic.


Sum the values in column B



Count all the values in column B where the value in column A is greater than 500

=COUNTIFS(B:B, A:A, “>500”)


Extract the telephone number from the text in column B

=REGEXEXTRACT(B1, “^[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$”)


Have Your Say

We would love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts or suggestions on how to make Excel Formula Genie even better. Please feel freer to reach out and share your ideas with us.

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Sign up for one of our plans and get the power of AI on your side to work more efficiently.

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